The HyperSense: The Embodied Computation Lab is located at the School of Design at Carnegie Mellon University. The Lab was recently founded and directed by Dina El-Zanfaly, Ph.D. We focus on new roles of computational design and physicality in embodied sense-making, including human perception, cognition, and experience.

We investigate co-designing better human-machine interactions in creative practices. Our work aims not only to study and prototype embodied novel interaction approaches but to elicit key design principles and frameworks. These frameworks and approaches could be used to inform the design of future human-machine interactions. Thus, we employ critical computations and participatory research methods to create more inclusive and adaptive interactions. In other words, we design with and for people, machines, artifacts and the environment. Current research areas include Augmented spatial Experiences, Human-AI Co-creation and sociotechnical implications of these experiences.


Current Research Streams


Lab Director:
Dina El-Zanfaly